Missouri Public Service Survivor Grant Program

See Description
Deadline Varies
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Public Service Officer or Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program provides tuition assistance to dependent children and spouses of public safety officers or Missouri Department of Transportation employees engaged in the construction or maintenance of the state's highways, roads, and bridges who were killed or permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty. If you are a dependent child, you will remain eligible through the semester in which you turn 24, unless you have already received your first bachelor's degree by that time.

The MDHEWD will provide notice to you of your eligibility. The school you are attending determines final eligibility at the time the grant funds are requested each semester. At the beginning of each semester your school will certify that you are enrolled full time and meet the other eligibility requirements. The certification process will typically take about three weeks. If your school verifies you are eligible, the MDHEWD will send your award to your school and they will deliver it to you. Generally, you should receive your fall payment by mid-September and your spring payment by mid-February.

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